| click on picture to enlarge The new grandstand is only half finnished here, click on picture (above) to see what it will look like when complete The new grandstand completed I am looking for pictures and other information to do with the football ground for this province, if you can help please contact me on blufforn@e3.net.nz | 
| Founded - 1887 Ground - Homestead Stadium (formerly Rugby Park), Invercargill. Colours - Maroon and blue with four white bands A BRIEF HISTORY The Southland Rugby was formed in 1887 and from the deadening depths of player revolt in 1908, to the heady heights of Ranfurly Shield success in the years surrounding Worlds War 2, Southland Rugby has had more than its fair share of colourful moments. For more than 110 years, rugby has been the hub of sporting activity in Southland occupying the leisure hours of thousands. Those years have not been without incident; humour, controversy, drama and delight, are all part of the Southland story. Sadly Southland rugby has gone through some tough times of late with the 90's being a period where Southland spent time going between the 1st and 2nd Division. The appointment of former All Black Leicester Rutledge to the NPC coaching position has raised the hopes of the passionate Southland rugby public, that the times ahead may be better for this rugby mad province. | 
| CEO Roger Clark COACHING Tony Martin Rugby Southland 40 Don Street P O Box 291 Invercargill Tel 03 216 8694 Fax 03 216 8695 Email leepipernz@hotmail.com Website www.southlandrugby.com | 